

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention

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Task Goal:
    According to legal regulations, we will provide various protection and supportive services for the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, advocate rights of victims and try to stop domestic violence through community task force.
Service Content: 
  1. 1. 24 hours hotline for reporting and getting help. 
  2. 2. Providing integrated service to victims, including emergency aids, medical treatment and care, and shelter protection and residential placement, legal support, counseling, etc.
  3. 3. Providing supervised invitation and education arrangement for children who witnessed domestic violence. 
  4. 4. Offering treatment and intervention programs to batterers. 
  5. 5. Promote awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention through advocating activities(Purple Ribbon Festival), education and training.
瀏覽人次:438 人 更新日期:2020-04-16