

The Welfare Of Physical and Mental Disabled

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    The population of the disabled in New Taipei City is the highest in Taiwan. Until the end of August 2017, numbers of the disabled already reached 163,498. Among all these, there were 49,030  people are regarded as middle-low income individuals and are getting a regular living assistance. 

Task Goal: 
Welfare for the physically and mentally disabled is a crucial part of social welfare and also becomes an important index for showing whether a society is progressive or not. Therefore, to safeguard the legal rights and life quality for the disabled, guarantee a fair opportunity of their participation, and provide sufficient service are the main tasks of  New Taipei City disabled welfare service. 

Service Content: 
  • A. Issuing the Physically and Mentally Disabled Manual: Those who are approved by professionals to be physically and mentally disabled may apply for the Physically and Mentally Disabled Manual and claim relevant welfare.
  • B. Income maintenance(Subsidy) and assistance for the physically and mentally disabled: 
  1. 1. Providing living assistance for middle-low and low-income disabled. 
  2. 2. Helping the disabled to register National Health Insurance and subsidies for health insurance premiums.
  3. 3. Subsidizing the disabled for nursing care.
  4. 4. Helping the disabled with their rent payments 
  5. 5. Subsidizing the disabled in low-income households for their artificial teeth. 
  6. 6. Subsidizing the disabled for equipment needed for their life and medical treatment. 
  7. 7. Subsidizing middle-low and low-income households for their medical treatment and nursing care.
  • C. Supportive service for the physically and mentally disabled: To help the disabled to engage in welfare needs during different stages, we make a plan to provide general and continuous services for the physically and mentally disabled.
  1. 1. Home service for the physically and mentally disabled. 
  2. 2. Short stay service for the disabled. 
  3. 3. Case management service for the physically and mentally disabled. 
  4. 4. Transition service for the disabled. 
  5. 5. Training for care givers.
  • D. Institution care: To meet features and needs of the physically and mentally disabled population, we intend to implement and cooperate with non-governmental organizations to set up institutes for providing the services of care, rehabilitation programs and welfare consultation for the disabled.
  • E. Individualized service: 
  1. 1. Providing services of orientation & mobility, and daily living skill training for the blind. 
  2. 2. Deaf-and-dumb language translation service. 
  3. 3. Bracelet service to prevent people from missing. 
  4. 4. Assistive device assessment and advices on use.
  • F. Transportation service: 
  1. 1. Issuing the disabled Parking ID Card. 
  2. 2. Senior, Charity and Concessionary EasyCards.
  3. 3. Fu-kang Bus service
  • G. Others: New Taipei City Public Welfare Lottery Fund management
瀏覽人次:346 人 更新日期:2020-04-16