

Social Assistance

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    Rapid transformations of family, society, and economic structure have caused increasing unemployment, single-parent families and solitude living of physically and mentally disabled people and senior citizens. Looking at this overwhelming phenomenon, we think social assistance system has become more and more important in the whole social welfare network. Until the end of August,2017, in New Taipei City, there are 18,741 households and 42,745 people registered as having a low-income situation. 

Task Goal: 
    We provide social assistance with a warm, natural and real human touch. In this, we will play a role concerning the burdens of home carers. Helping relieve suffering, offering care actively, respecting what is needed, and assisting whoever is needed to become independent and autonomous are regarded as principles for assistance. Living assistance for the low-income households, subsidy for medical treatment, emergency relief, and disaster aids will be the approaches for support. The final goals are to safeguard the basic needs of disadvantaged minorities in their living and make sure that widows and widowers, orphans and the elderly without children, the disabled and the sick can be looked after.
瀏覽人次:472 人 更新日期:2020-04-16